Popping in with a super simple, super adorable DIY herb garden wall project! My dining room gets the BEST light and I have been thinking of how to add an herb garden in there for a while. I thought maybe it would go in front of the bay window,until I was doing a Target stroll one day and spotted these bad boys 20% off! Perfection. I bought three packs of 2 and patiently waited for herb babies to hit stories in the spring. Home Depot was the first place I saw herb pants so I snagged 6 varieties from there: cilantro, parsley, oregano, basil, lavender, and rosemary. I would have loved thyme but they didn’t have it and Emme and I are already doing a seedling thing with some veggies so I didn’t want to start from scratch. Anyways I want to encourage you to try this project. It would be a great beginner DIY project as well as beginner gardening project! Here is my post about the process!

Hanging the planters
Start by laying your planters out in whatever pattern you want. Find the center point on your wall and mark it around where you think your top row will be. then measure the distance between the planter holes as they are laid in your row. (I did rows of two so this was easy, I made them 16″ apart.) Grab your level and divide that distance in half (8″). If you level has a ruler, place the 8″ at your center wall mark, and then when level, make a mark at 0″ and 16″. Place an anchor and screw there if you don’t have a stud.
With those holes done, measure the distance between the holes of your first row and second row. Grab your level and get a plum line, then mark however many inches down from each hole. Repeat the drilling and measuring process for however many planters you have.

Fill ’em up
The fun part is choosing your herbs and getting them in the planters! My HomeDepot had herbs for $5.78 a piece and one small (4.5-5″) was plenty for each pot, but I did get two cilantro bc I suspect that’s what we will use the most of and I didnt want to cut it all off, lol.
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