DIY Dry Erase Command Center Calendar

I am not a natural planner. I want to be a planner, so badly, but I’m truly a fly-the-seat-of-my-pantser. My “go with the flow” attitude can make planning a struggle. My sister on the other hand, is like the ultimate planner! She has a blog devoted to conquering your chaos, and even a membership to help you do it. She’s always been put-together and bossy and we love her for it. She wrote this blog post about why every home needs a command center which I read and thought, “damnit. We need a command center.”

Things take forever to ship here to Japan and large stuff won’t ship regardless. I also just try really hard not to buy extra things when I don’t have to. We had this huge spare dry erase board lying around, so I decided to try it! I had extra cricut vinyl and everything too, so it just seemed worth it to try and make my own.

PS – this post contains shoppable Amazon Affiliate links (see full disclosure at the end of post).

A quick honest word


I’m always going to be honest with you, even if it means eating some humble pie. I can’t stand when people fake that they’re an expert in everything. I don’t know why people do that. I consider myself pretty crafty, but that doesn’t mean I can do everything perfectly.

This is a DIY post. I did make a calendar and command center. It also took me approximately 3 hours to complete it and I wanted to throw my cricut out of the window.

3 hours is a HUGE amount of time when you can only work when your child is sleeping. I spent both naps one day on this. I’m cringing thinking about it.

There are really pretty dry erase calendars for like $10-15 out there. Just saying.

If you’re still interested because you want a custom board, the supplies and how-to are below!


I knew I wanted two months on the board, because if I can only see one month I won’t plan ahead enough. I still had room for other sections because it is huge, so I added a menu section to start meal planning and also so Edgar can stop asking me what’s for dinner (Kelsie has words on that, too). I also put a Megan and Edgar section where we can write notes and then a goals section for family goals. Pinterest has lots of family command center suggestions to start brainstorming what you need at yours.


You will need the following:

Did you know?

My pilot husband taught me that wet-erase markers/pens are way better than dry erase and also you can use dry erase markers to remove sharpie from dry erase surfaces! I had no idea. You just draw all over the sharpie with the dry erase and then wipe away! This is why I just went ahead and drew lines on my board with sharpie. It may wear off with time but it would be easy to touch-up. If we decide to buy nice calendars later I can scrape my vinyl off and use a dry erase marker to buff out the sharpie and get our plain board back. It’s like magic–try it!

This is me not knowing what the hell I am doing with the vinyl

How-to make the command center calendar

  1. Measure your board and decide how many sections you will need.
  2. Using a piece of scrap paper, draw out your dimensions and measurements. Divide your calendar section into even spaces and 5 rows for dates, plus an extra for the days of the week and potentially month (someone may have forgotten about the month but it’s fine, everything is fine).
  3. Using a ruler and thin sharpie, measure and make a spaced dotted line to guide your regular sharpie lines
  4. Triple check your dots, then line the ruler or yardstick up and use the thicker sharpie to make your dividing lines.
  5. Open cricut design space and type in your words, checking measurements against the boxes already created on your board.
  6. I used my favorite sans-serif font and spaced the letters at 3.0 and 4.0
  7. Lay your vinyl down, load, and cut
  8. Tweeze the excess vinyl. *The reason it took me so long was because my cricut was cutting the vinyl too deep, which made it really difficult to properly tweeze all the little letters. I think you can avoid this by calibrating your blade every now and then which I am too lazy to do. But would probably save you a lot of headache. I had to repeat this step twice because I lost a few letters.
  9. Have a sip of tea
  10. Lay your transfer tape down and then lift everything off of the mat. If you prefer peeling first or any other order, do what’s comfortable for you.
  11. Cut your words out of your sheet
  12. Peel the backs off and use the transfer tape to place words on the board
  13. Clap for yourself
  14. Hang it on the wal
  15. Fill in dates and things
  16. Tell your spouse to look at it when they ask what’s for dinner

Final verdict

If you’re really efficient with your cricut (read: if you are a cricut wizard) and have the materials on hand like I did, this project will probably take you less than an hour time. If you’re not efficient with a cricut, order these $15 calendars instead. I wish I had ordered the calendars after all the time I spent on it. lol. But I do like my custom sections at the bottom. Plus then when a month finished you could move your current month up and erase the old one, write the new one, and move it down. I think that may drive me crazy about my board. But then I wouldn’t have this fun post for you. So, silver linings! Stay tuned to see if we use the command center and if I cave and buy real calendars later. 😂

 DIY Dry Erase Command Center Calendar
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