Today I wanted to share a fun Art & Nature scavenger hunt walk. Most people do not know that in my college days I was a teaching assistant and later teaching assistant of the teaching assistants, to a course that was loving called by some, “the Hippy Class.” It was actually an environmental science class! Anyways, my experience with environmental consciousness and mindfulness practices in that course has stayed with me in various ways. I love incorporating Earth lessons into Art lessons!
For this activity, save the photo below on your phone and go on a nature scavenger hunt walk! Make sure to let kiddos take a lead in whatever form makes the most sense for them (in charge of the list, the bag, the path taken, picking a certain object, etc). Let them have responsibility. At the end of your walk, see if you can arrange the found pieces into a picture or sculpture on the ground before you go inside, for a friend to find!

Make it a mindfulness practice:
While on your walk, discuss the smells, sights, and sounds with your children (even the babies!) Let them touch the items you are hunting for, and talk about how they feel (again, even babies, talk to them about what they are seeing and touching). When your children are creating their art piece with the found materials before you go inside, ask them engaging questions!
If you decide to participate in the scavenger hunt, let me know on Facebook or IG! I would love to see! For more art education activties, click here or sign up for my art ed email list here!